for now, the council had come out with an awesome activity just for cohort 1 to have time and relax themselves and mingle around with 57 of us again!!..

it's AUTUMN ATTACK!!!!..So everyone did not just stick with your assignmentssss and bookksss...snap your finger!..the autumn is good, the sun is so bright!!! everyone had come and entertain themselves to the first " AUTUMN POTLUCK PICNIC 2010"!!!!!...
All cohort members were also required to take part in the traditional games..the aims of this games if to have fun and release the tensions after working hard on the pain no gain..this traditional games was conducted by sport & recreational bureau..
*Fyi, 'POTLUCK' is kinda a small feast where each of person will bring their own food and share with they will have variety of foods for the feast.
this event was held at Macquarie University fountain, just behind the food hub..around 2.30 pm, most of the members were already there. SO, to make this 'POTLUCK PICNIC' more happening, each of the houses/units were required to bring their own delicious spectacular menus/foods to the picnic (e.g spaghetti, pasta, chocolate cake, cheese cake, cekodok pisang diva,etc..)..from this, we had variety of foods and at the same time, sharing what are the secret recipes that they have been using all this while...hehe..:D....there lotsa lotsa lotsa foodddddssss..(u name's tooo many..)..
before the event started, we did have asar prayer ber'jemaah' and short 'tazkirah' from the religion bureau..then, the party started!!!!!!...


and eat....

and eat..
and pose!..

after tired of eating so many foods, then it came to traditional games which called 'BALING SELIPAR'..the sweet adorable boys and girls of future teachers were divided into several groups to compete with each other..(damn excited with cheerssss!~~~auuww~~~)haha..

groups' pose~

1 Malaysia : Malay, Chinese n Indian play 'baling selipar' >.<
unfortunately, we cant make it to the final game due to cloudy raining..after all, we had so much fun and joy of the day..can gather 57 of us and spend enjoyable moment as a group again!!!..finally, group picture~~~~~~~~~~~~ >.<

looking forward for the next potluck..hehe..till then, adieu~~
Most teachers have little control over school policy or curriculum or choice of texts or special placement of students, but most have a great deal of autonomy inside the classroom. To a degree shared by only a few other occupations, such as police work, public education rests precariously on the skill and virtue of the people at the bottom of the institutional pyramid. ~Tracy Kidder~
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