Well hello there!
It's semester 2 of 2011. The new era of studies, assignments, excursions, school visits, seminars, researches, bla.. bla.. bla.. arrghhh!! anyway, we on behalf of B.ed TESOL Cohort 1 Macquarie University would like to wish u...


1st week: Diversity week =)

With new semester, we actually have another semester to go before we leave for good this coming December. pretty sad huh? however, we believe that Malaysia misses us the most. =)
With new spirit, we have to kill another two core subjects with one or two electives subject by the end of this semester. All the so-kill-me-with-this- papers are:
  • EDUC392 - Research Inquiry in Primary Classroom. (3cp)
This subject is really interesting! Due to the policy of paperless unit, you do not have to print out all the lecture materials from the blackboard. You can download it on the spot via online 'moodle' during the 4 hours seminar!! and this subject is quite heavy as the laptops that u need to bring during the seminars. This unit prepares us for a research and data collection during our final year in Penang. Way to go yaw!

  • EDUC394 - Teaching English in a Foreign Language in Malaysian Classroom (3cp)
This unit same with last semester, but we more focus on classroom management and lesson planning that we consider from various aspects. Pretty cool huh? Yes it is! With our adorable tutor, Amanda, our tutorial is always happening! Not to forget, we need to kill a microteaching on how to teach different area of English; pronouns, nouns, article, tenses, etc during our tutorial.

and for elective, we have several choices such as:
Counting days to go back! However, we need to finish all this unit and strive for a High Distinction at least as to make Penang proud. Wish us all the best mates! Till then, adieu~
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