Salam and hi to all!
Here we go again with the next event of the first semester! It’s TESOL FAMILY DAY 2011, under project manager Social Welfare Bureau. This event aimed to strengthen the relationship between Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 members. Not to forget, there were games and ‘makan-makan’ !!.. hoyeah!.
With right after zohor, all cohort 1 and cohort 2 members gathered at this beautiful Macquarie Uni Lakeside. As the tasks were separated into two groups, it end up to a big feast at the end. Before that, we had our Asar prayer in the middle of the field. Praise to the God Almighty for the beautiful place to be and space to breath. Then, there were simple ‘tazkirah’ as to reflect ourselves on what we had done to ourselves and the world of Islam. Not to forget, many thanks to non-muslims members as they were patiently wait and be part of the team throughout the event. You guys rock!!.
After ‘makan-makan’, Social Welfare Bureau had organized a poison box games. With this games, the person who got the box will read out loud the clue which telling the characteristic of any person both from these two cohorts. And you know what! Everyone nailed it!! It was such a entertaining games! Maybe if only we had a more proper sound system, then the games will be put up as the games of the year!!.LOL
It was such a great day. With lovely seniors cohort 1 and beloved junior cohort 2, this event had achieved the main aim. Many thanks to all people that help preparing the dishes and not to forget, the backbone of this event; SOCIAL WELFARE BUREAU!.. you guys are awesome!!

Till then, see u in the next post!.. chow!
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