Salam and hi to all!.

As for the last April 2011, it was the turn for the Religious Affair Bureau for their first YASIN and TAHLIL PERDANA 2011!

As the objective was to strengthen the harmonious relationship among 58 of us, this event was also focus on reflecting each other on perceiving the gratefulness to the Lord Almighty Allah SWT that had gave us space and time to breath in His world. Not to forget, this event was also as a token of condolences to those relatives that had passed away. Al-Fatihah to all of them.


This event was held at Baitul Warith. Around 7.45pm, most of us gathered and start our Isya’ prayer lead by our Religious Affair bureau, Muhammad Razeen Mohaidin Gani. Right after that, the event continued with yasin and tahlil recitation. Alhamdulillah, there was also some sharing session from Ms Norakmar about Islam and how we as Muslim put ourselves in worshiping towards the Lord, Allah SWT. This sharing session also had open the eyes to keep a good relationship between cohort members as we live in a one big family away from beloved country, Malaysia.

And every event should end with ‘makan-makan’. That’s what our traditional culture is, I supposed. :D This event ended with small feast (moreh) and short meeting regarding out next event. Here are some of the snapshots of the night. Woot woot~




Till then, adieu bieu~

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