On last June 21, 2010, COhort 1 Macquarie was organized a sport activity just intended to stretch those 'lazy' bones..It was our first WINTER SPORT CARNIVAL 2010. In collaboration with Sport and Recreational Bureau, this winter sport carnival is aimed to strengthen the relationship between 58 of us and also build on stamina after working so hard for the final exams..nothing last with pressure, the details of this hoo-rah games are as follow:
date: JUNE 21st, 2010 (MONDAY)
time: 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
venue: MACQUARIE SPORT CENTRE (futsal court, in front of the sport centre)
fee : 1$ / person

Farid (sport & recreational bureau) is explaining the rules of the games.
the committee has divided the group into 4 (BLACK, RED, BLUE and GREEN). This "DRAW-LOTs" process is genuinely fair and square for all of us.. The teams are as follow:
BLACK : Razeen, Hilmi, Chris, Fikri, Nisya, Juraidah, Azza, Nurul Amirah, Maisyarah, Myra, Nadiah, Sarah, Nana, Khalijah and Atiqah Sham.
BLUE: Afiq, Amir, Farhad, Asreen, Haziqa, Syue, Noli, Farah, Mimi, Eiwa, Rini, Maizureen, Diyana, and Tracy.
RED: Ulwi, Hafiz, Azizul, Aliah, Atiq, Yazmin, Bahijah, Aqeela, Zawa, Mastura, Nisa, Shamas, Amirah, and Tian Wei.
GREEN: Farid, Faiz, Yunos, May, Ain, Akmar, Noni, Wan Xing, Nuhan, Swan, Zahida, Syamim, Razaini, and Asfarina.
the games was divided into two parts: Netball and Futsal. Since this cohort only have 13 handsome guys, we had to join the futsal team with some girls. It was totally awesome when looking at the girls put their effort to score at least one goal for the team. :D
Both games was totally enjoyable since all of us was having fun on that day. Well, we are going to be teachers though..so we are expected to produce future generation with good stamina instead of looking at the language all the time..:D
this event finished around 1.pm. Since it was huge success, the council had prepared small feast for all the players. And the result was announced right after everyone has finished the lunch.
and the winner goes to...
- Green Team
- Black team
- Red Team
- Blue Team
- Black Team
- Blue Team
- Red Team
- Green Team

bola jaring a.k.a netball

and finally, group photo!!..>.<
till then, adieu~~
"If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home. "