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Hi guys,
just straight to the point, the admin is really really really SORRY for putting this blog under construction due to some reasons!. *maafkan kami. maafkan kami. maafkan kami. maafkan kami . lalalalalala~~(sing with pramlee style in bujang lapok :D)
Hell no! Now we are back with the update news regarding our activities, reports, meetings, and also we put extra 'ingredients' as to make it more interesting!
and what are you waiting for?? share the link on your wall and support this Cohort 1 B.ed TESOL Macquarie Uni. Forget not! u wont regret anything!.. hohoho.. Chill!
- admin =) -
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Hello Everyone
Sorry for the late update, freaking stress with the assignments. However, here is the quick update all the events from march up to this moment.Our March event was Autumn Hi - Tea Party 2011 where we had it in traditional way. Feeling homesick huh?..Hopefully the event turned you to be happy as you can eat traditional kueh that cant even get it in Sydney!

The event was held on last March 27th, 2011 at Waterloo Park with the fabulous theme: MALAYSIAN TRADITIONAL KUEH!!..
As each houses had brought their own signature traditional kueh which fantastically made our day!!..Many thanks to
Baitul Warith (kueh peria),
Baitul Filzah (kueh lapis),
Riyadus Solihin (bubur jagung),
Raudatul Aflah (buah melaka/onde-onde),
Zara Airyss (kueh apam gula hangus),
F4 (popia gulung),
Kute Porkupine (agar-agar buah),
Waterloo Babes (kueh cek mek) and
M-Hall 129 (cucur jawa, brownies and Chocolate velvet)
We also had a birthday celebration for those cohort members who was born in between July to December. Not to worry guys, your turn will come. and for the people who are in the list 'Happy Belated Birthday!!'
Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.