Hi everyone and welcome to Cohort 1 Macquarie 3rd Cycle official blogspot. we are proudly announce that this blog will be the official cohort blog for this year and perhaps will continue to the rest of years upcoming.
The idea of having this cohort's blog was opposed during the first cohort meeting among the new student council of 2010/2011. The purposes are to tell the world that WE ARE THE GREATEST COHORT ON EARTH!, yet hoping that it will be a wonderful way for all of us to share our ideas of how we see, we do and we act; thus hopefully can shape the world around us. Somehow, it acts as a medium of sharing awesome experiences and memorable memories that shall never be forgotten.
A very warmest thank you to the previous student's council for contributing so much hard effort to this cohort throughout the years. For previous years, all the reviews of activities were undergo to bulletin (it's hard copy) that was under Media & Publicity Bureau (credit to Amir Malek and Tracy Lee). Starting this new era, God's Willing, all the reviews or information will go directly to this blog and also Facebook. :)

till then, adieu..
yours humbly,
yus & farhad
(Media & PUblication Bureau 2010/2011)
A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils... (Terri Guillemets)
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