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Hello everyone!
Since everyone is in the raya mood, let's recap about the activities that we did during Ramadhan. Firstly, RAYA PHOTOSHOOT 2011!!.. second- Iftar Jamaei 2011 (next post).
On Wednesday (17th August), right after Pamela's class (EDUC394), with colourful baju kurung and baju melayu, we walked in the rain, looking for a rainbow for our photoshoot. However, the rain wont stop. Luckily, the rain was not that heavy. and the photoshoot went well!
Here are some snap shoot of our pre-raya photoshoot. Special for Salam Perantau 2011. (do check it in newspaper and online). Till then, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin, sincere from B. Ed TESOL COHORT 1 Macquarie University. =)
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Well hello there!
It's semester 2 of 2011. The new era of studies, assignments, excursions, school visits, seminars, researches, bla.. bla.. bla.. arrghhh!! anyway, we on behalf of B.ed TESOL Cohort 1 Macquarie University would like to wish u...
1st week: Diversity week =)
With new semester, we actually have another semester to go before we leave for good this coming December. pretty sad huh? however, we believe that Malaysia misses us the most. =)
With new spirit, we have to kill another two core subjects with one or two electives subject by the end of this semester. All the so-kill-me-with-this- papers are:
- EDUC392 - Research Inquiry in Primary Classroom. (3cp)
This subject is really interesting! Due to the policy of paperless unit, you do not have to print out all the lecture materials from the blackboard. You can download it on the spot via online 'moodle' during the 4 hours seminar!! and this subject is quite heavy as the laptops that u need to bring during the seminars. This unit prepares us for a research and data collection during our final year in Penang. Way to go yaw!
- EDUC394 - Teaching English in a Foreign Language in Malaysian Classroom (3cp)
This unit same with last semester, but we more focus on classroom management and lesson planning that we consider from various aspects. Pretty cool huh? Yes it is! With our adorable tutor, Amanda, our tutorial is always happening! Not to forget, we need to kill a microteaching on how to teach different area of English; pronouns, nouns, article, tenses, etc during our tutorial.
and for elective, we have several choices such as:
Counting days to go back! However, we need to finish all this unit and strive for a High Distinction at least as to make Penang proud. Wish us all the best mates! Till then, adieu~
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1, 2, kayuh! 1, 2 kayuh! yeah yeah!
well hello to all! nothing more to say, it's kayuh time!
on last 30th of July, which was the last day of winter break, Sport and Recreational Bureau of Cohort 1 Macquarie in conjunction with junior Cohort 2 had much fun fun fun with the first Dragon Boating Event!.
Taking place under the Anzac Bridge, Sydney (near to Sydney Fish Market), together we with the volunteer teams; NAGA SPIRIT made this event a success! weeehhooooo!Grrrrr~~
All members were divided into four teams. With four huge dragon-size boat, we pulled it out from the pit into the water. Like seriously, it was totally heavy than we thought! Then, with 8 crew members from Naga Spirit, we started our dayung-dayung sampan with a little warming up, just to ensure that no one get cramp leg on the boat. =)
The Naga Spirit crew was really really helpful and friendly. We started with practicing the right technique of paddling this huge boat and then proceed with racing with the other team. There were two rounds, and seriously, whoever won or lost, we are still in top 4. Ok what? (just because there were only 4 boats!) :D
And many thanks to Kak Mary for preparing our nasi lemak for the day. It was a totally fun hanging out with the juniors and seniors with doing such healthy activities like this. You guys are awesome yaw!
Looking forward for the next activity from Sport and Recreational Bureau. You guys had done a very good job! *applause thunderously*. Till then, bye =)
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Salam and hi to all!
Here we go again with the next event of the first semester! It’s TESOL FAMILY DAY 2011, under project manager Social Welfare Bureau. This event aimed to strengthen the relationship between Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 members. Not to forget, there were games and ‘makan-makan’ !!.. hoyeah!.
With right after zohor, all cohort 1 and cohort 2 members gathered at this beautiful Macquarie Uni Lakeside. As the tasks were separated into two groups, it end up to a big feast at the end. Before that, we had our Asar prayer in the middle of the field. Praise to the God Almighty for the beautiful place to be and space to breath. Then, there were simple ‘tazkirah’ as to reflect ourselves on what we had done to ourselves and the world of Islam. Not to forget, many thanks to non-muslims members as they were patiently wait and be part of the team throughout the event. You guys rock!!.
After ‘makan-makan’, Social Welfare Bureau had organized a poison box games. With this games, the person who got the box will read out loud the clue which telling the characteristic of any person both from these two cohorts. And you know what! Everyone nailed it!! It was such a entertaining games! Maybe if only we had a more proper sound system, then the games will be put up as the games of the year!!.LOL
It was such a great day. With lovely seniors cohort 1 and beloved junior cohort 2, this event had achieved the main aim. Many thanks to all people that help preparing the dishes and not to forget, the backbone of this event; SOCIAL WELFARE BUREAU!.. you guys are awesome!!
Till then, see u in the next post!.. chow!
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Salam and hi to all!.
As for the last April 2011, it was the turn for the Religious Affair Bureau for their first YASIN and TAHLIL PERDANA 2011!
As the objective was to strengthen the harmonious relationship among 58 of us, this event was also focus on reflecting each other on perceiving the gratefulness to the Lord Almighty Allah SWT that had gave us space and time to breath in His world. Not to forget, this event was also as a token of condolences to those relatives that had passed away. Al-Fatihah to all of them.
This event was held at Baitul Warith. Around 7.45pm, most of us gathered and start our Isya’ prayer lead by our Religious Affair bureau, Muhammad Razeen Mohaidin Gani. Right after that, the event continued with yasin and tahlil recitation. Alhamdulillah, there was also some sharing session from Ms Norakmar about Islam and how we as Muslim put ourselves in worshiping towards the Lord, Allah SWT. This sharing session also had open the eyes to keep a good relationship between cohort members as we live in a one big family away from beloved country, Malaysia.
And every event should end with ‘makan-makan’. That’s what our traditional culture is, I supposed. :D This event ended with small feast (moreh) and short meeting regarding out next event. Here are some of the snapshots of the night. Woot woot~
Till then, adieu bieu~
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Hi guys,
just straight to the point, the admin is really really really SORRY for putting this blog under construction due to some reasons!. *maafkan kami. maafkan kami. maafkan kami. maafkan kami . lalalalalala~~(sing with pramlee style in bujang lapok :D)
Hell no! Now we are back with the update news regarding our activities, reports, meetings, and also we put extra 'ingredients' as to make it more interesting!
and what are you waiting for?? share the link on your wall and support this Cohort 1 B.ed TESOL Macquarie Uni. Forget not! u wont regret anything!.. hohoho.. Chill!
- admin =) -
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Hello Everyone
Sorry for the late update, freaking stress with the assignments. However, here is the quick update all the events from march up to this moment.Our March event was Autumn Hi - Tea Party 2011 where we had it in traditional way. Feeling homesick huh?..Hopefully the event turned you to be happy as you can eat traditional kueh that cant even get it in Sydney!
The event was held on last March 27th, 2011 at Waterloo Park with the fabulous theme: MALAYSIAN TRADITIONAL KUEH!!..
As each houses had brought their own signature traditional kueh which fantastically made our day!!..Many thanks to
Baitul Warith (kueh peria),
Baitul Filzah (kueh lapis),
Riyadus Solihin (bubur jagung),
Raudatul Aflah (buah melaka/onde-onde),
Zara Airyss (kueh apam gula hangus),
F4 (popia gulung),
Kute Porkupine (agar-agar buah),
Waterloo Babes (kueh cek mek) and
M-Hall 129 (cucur jawa, brownies and Chocolate velvet)
We also had a birthday celebration for those cohort members who was born in between July to December. Not to worry guys, your turn will come. and for the people who are in the list 'Happy Belated Birthday!!'
Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.